...a place where beach hair, foggy mornings and laughter come together...

Monday, January 02, 2006

2006 and Free

Hallelujia... 2006 is now fallen apon us... And only God knows whats in store. I am excited for all the new events that are going to happen, there's now option for new loves, experiences, travel, friends, and memories.. I'm just going to let whatever happen.. happen. Period.

Life is full of curve balls isn't it? And to tell you the truth, I've never been one for baseball. So it shall be interesting. I've decided that for romance you can't be waiting for it. It's just going to have to hit you straight in the face when it happends. Because i've been anticipating it much too long. And that is why it hasn't been happening.. so update for everyone.. I am starting a cLear brand-spanking-new slate for men this year.. and I am goign to keep it clear until that man makes his move.. I am going to just let go! Wahoo.. lets go 2006.. lets fill it up with surprises!

So. Read To Kill a Mockingbird. Actually its quite good. Did tones of work along with it too. Bah... yes i just said bah.. like a sheep.

So this year is here. And I am totally free of everything from the past one, because all of the stuff that was tying me down. Its forgotten, there's only room left to look forward...


Blogger mick said...

free eh.. thats kind of weird. i couldn't imagine it myself. even though i think i may be getting to that point again. but i don't think i will ever ever ever get there. personally. i don't really believe the new year is a ''clean slate'' b/c it really is just another day, and the past is not forgotten... but hey, if you personally want to give yourself a clean slate that is awesome. so good job ! im proud of you. its something most of us cannot do too well.. love you

5:26 PM


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