...a place where beach hair, foggy mornings and laughter come together...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Coming from the girl who wanted to live in the Artic...

Okay for all those people who follow this blog, aka the amount of people I can count on one hand, you are in for a treat.. this is taken directly OUT of my travel journal, word for .. minus the stick figure skier...

December 13/2008 --> 8h07
I am going skiing in the Swiss Alps today!!!!

17h26 ---> même jour
*Après j'ai fait du ski*

Holy MOLY!! Well positive first because one should always begin with the glass half, no more that half full. I, Jillian Fugedi, at 18 years old skiied the Swiss Alps today, but not only the Swiss Alps, I skiied from Suisse to France during one descent!!! That's right, all day under crystal blue sky I skied Suisse -->France-->Suiss-->France and so on. There was tons of poweder, and WOW was teh landscape incredible!! ANd heck, the longest I waited in line was about 1min28 second. There is nearly 250 tele siege/ tele skis. I though they were LYING but 250 lifts was legit! Freaking incredible. I am truly greatful for the experience. I used Flo's (host sister who is in Australia) skis/boots and Michel paid for my lift ticket. Truly blessed, oh and it's self check lifts here, and I got caught halfway between one once.. yes that's right.. there I was.. the little Canadian with one through the gate, one not, That's right, I'm still as clumsy as ever.

Okay, moving on to the slightly emtpier glass, because after having such a thirst, one drinks the glass, and the waterline descends.. it's only natural... My legs hurt like a B**ch! <-- And frankly I rarely swear all that often, so there is weight behind the word. My thought process on the last descent: "Oh eff, sweet mother of les vaches, goodness freaking me, allow me to make it to the F***ing bottom of the run, sweet mother of pearl"

I don't think i'll be able to walk tomorrow, or let alone for the next week..

****Side note**** I was inspired by the book I am reading, and decided to do some Yoga/stretching.. which was actually very beneficial for my wake up this morning and my legs... but as everyone says.. beware of the second day... so tomorrow we shall see..

I remembered the concerstaion Max and I had over one facebook thread, that he feels truly happy when he's on the mountain carving through the fresh snow, during that conversation I had such a beautiful image in my head of serenity and freedom. I really coudn't have asked for better conditions today, brilliant sun, gem blue sky, not too cold... I thought I'd feel that same degree of happiness and all i could think was:

Jill, you're hooped. You're true happiness is laying on the beach under +30'C sunshine, glistening with sweat and listening to the waves crash.

the complete opposite. Hardly and clothes, hot hot hot, and essentially doing nothing remotely physical except reaching for tanning oil, ice cold water, or replacing my shades.

Don't get me wrong, I love physical activity, I DO enjoy a good cardio workout and stuff like that, by my true happiness is franchement tranquille.

xoxoo Jillie