WOWZA time friggen flies!
Hello hello!! So I love the concept of blogs, I love reading them... but the thing that I hate about them.. is when you FORGET that you are a blogger.. and you just don't keep up to date. In blogging standards.. I think I would be classified under "totally unreliable blogging companion" Beuuff.. perhaps that's why I'm still single.
So.. what can I update YOU on in the past well.. 7 months? Frig.. too much.. when I'm back in Canada it'd be much better to just zip over to my house and pick me up for a coffee (come to my house because A. My dad sold my car since I've been living in Switzerland... B. I won't have any income for a few weeks after arriving in the Motherland.. this little country sure knows how to empty one's pockets!)
Since December I've done some traveling.. and I mean some AWESOME traveling.. Rome for my 19th as well as Easter.. oh the cappucinos, the gorgeous men in suits.. my search for Luigi still hasn't finished.. the pizza, the pasta.. having tea with Michaelangelo and the Pope (okay maybe not the last 2) but HOLY la Capella Sistina! That's some serious ceiling man! Actually brought a tear in my eye as I observed. I could go on about Rome forever.. the Pantheon.. the city of Roman Holiday.. I DID feel like Miss Audrey Hepburn.. yet missed out on the vespa ride (hence not finding Luigi) But keeping it short.. next adventure... FAMILY COMES TO VISIT>
Yes, my beautiful, tall and funny Canadian family hopped on plane and came over here to visit me! Wooohoo. We traveled across Switzerland... to the one and only Salzburg.. where the HILLS are a ALIVE, danced the do-re-mi stairs, ate apple strudel at the church Maria was wedded, patted the giant knome on the head.. and was whisked away by the "fake" dream of the Sound of Music.. Fake as in hardly any Europeans actually KNOW the story of Maria and the Von Trapps.. (well the american musical version that is) but being there was like a little kid in candy shop.. so overwhelming! Plus, skipping on by Mozarts house and saying hello wasn't too shabby either! We dined with Family there.. then made our way across the Hungarian border..
We visited my Grandma's house of which she escaped from during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, met one of her old school friends.. ate some tasty tasty tasty true motherland food.. and then went to Budapest. My hungarian roots sprouted faster than salad after a storm (or at least like the salad here in Switzerland does) History upon communist history hit us from all directions.. along the river we explored both Buda and Pest, shopped shopped shopped after Dad's luck out at the casino (or pure skill.. we'll never know) meeting up with Megan and zooming through an underground labyrinth under the Buda Castle.. creeping seeing as it was only discovered 4 years ago.. meaning their could have been real ghouls living there.. that HAVEn'T been outed yet.. yikes. Basked in the hot Hungarian sun.. got a taste of Palinka fest.. danced the night away.. exhausted ourselves enough just to be able to relax in Italy.
Romeo Romeo where art thou my Romeo?! That's probably cited wrong.. but you get the jiff, we stayed in Verona.. trained it into Venezia.. oh Venice, what a melancholic city.. yet with a tranquility and romance. Naturally met Andrea.. a first "Venetian then Italian" who happily took mom and I through the canals.. Venice lived up to my expectations.. so welcoming, and peaceful.. other than that little asian dude with bread at la Piazza San Marco where I was nearly attacked by 238 ravid pigeons. Pizza and wine once more, ducking into the little shops, pictures, and just living in the moment.
After a quick stop in Lugano.. and Troistorrents.. and more dinners filled with overconsumption of wine and laughter, my family jetted back off to the Canadian lifestyle.. with me to follow soon in their footsteps.
BUT the travels didn't cease at that.. oh no they didn't. Last week my English adventure occurred.. As Mariah and I arrived with our faces rouged and hair blown in all directions towards our gate which was closing at 6:35 (we arrived at 6:33... grace of Switzerland's transit system always being on time) Mariah and I boarded our plane from Zurich to Birmingham for the 100th Rotary INternational Convention. Keynote speakers such as Shelter box, Mia Farrow and yes.. JANE GOODALL were present giving us all a breath of fresh air that there IS still hope for the world we live in.. and WE TOO should help. The human heart is the seat of Love and Compassion, join the head and the heart and peace will prevail! So naturally after receiving all such motivation and bliss, the week should have passed on by perfectly.. but NO, not for Mariah and Jill! Day one accomodations.. The Bailey.. UUUGHHH GROSS!! Spider running through the sheets, hairs in the bed, pillow cases and beyond.. windows that don't shut.. and creepy doorman? Oh and the drug park across from us.. Day 2. better? no, scammed our way out of the Bailey and their 48 hour cancellation fees.. and made it to.. better yet, the Dubliner.. or Cat-Piss motel.. once again, slept in all our clothes.. breathed through are scarves.. and got jipped out of breakfast (included) cause no staff was up by 9am.. jeez!
London was another story however, London greeted us with a smile straight away.. Picadilly Backpackers was brilliant, accomodating.. and most of all. CLEAN! hallelujia! We made our way through Picadilly Circus... dug up the Dancing Queens while jamming along to ABBA as we sat in our floor seats (LAST ones available.. SO lucky) to Mamma Mia... sushi.. OH the sushi how it just replenished my soul!! Went out Dancing to Tiger Tiger.. yes Mariah did use my idea as a fake.. woohoo.. and it worked. baha. walked along the river, say hello to Big Ben, saw the PM, Westminster Abbey.. ate real Fish and Chips. And much more! Oh... and in England I did get my Starbucks kick :) yes I sure did.. everyday x2 baby!
And now.. we are winding down the the last few weeks.. few days.. few moments of Switzerland.. and who knows.. maybe I'll have time to actually blog about it? Buuuut until the next time.. European adventures are calling.. Ciao!!