...a place where beach hair, foggy mornings and laughter come together...

Monday, May 08, 2006

random nonsense..

My little african friend LAUREN is coming back home?! CRAZY.. I THINK SO! my gosh.. i am tres excite!
My parents are in New York city!! THey're on David letterman tonight.
Its wicked sunny out!
Still a vegetarian!
I recieved my actual license the other day.. pictures not half bad.
Went out for dinner at earls wiht a bunch of people on Friday.. i'll post some pictures when they come..
Missing Dominican like crazy once again.. friiiiiiiiick I gotta go back!! I miss miss miss it!
Just was on a website.. and someone posted a "submarine for sale".. who sells a submarine.. or owns one?
Really feel like speaking spanish with someone
David comes home soon!
6th in the Province for Volleyball.. neaaaaato!
Nationals next weekend!! In Calgary.. soo excited!


Blogger Lauren said...

Hey Jill! Sounds like your parents are having fun, I would give anything to go to New York! One of my 'I must go there' places. Not sure if you got my second comment on your last post? Man I'm sooo bummed my puppies are gone, they chased after me and they were crying and oh my gosh, awful. I couldn't stop crying yesterday, it sucks!!!! Anyways, hope more of that wonderful weather comes your way.

11:10 PM


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